We are here for you !
Generally, we deliver in-stock items within 7-12 working days.
To check your delivery status, please refer to the dispatch confirmation sent to your email. For each parcel shipped, you'll receive a dispatch confirmation with a tracking link. This confirmation will be sent after your order confirmation, once your parcels have been dispatched.
If your order is eligible for return, please follow these steps to initiate the return process:
- Send an email through the "Contact" section of the website
- Please ensure your email includes the following information:
-Order number
-Reason for return
-Photo of the product if damaged
-Customer's full name
-Customer's address
We will contact you with the return address details.
The refund will always be processed using your original payment method. If you paid by credit card, we'll refund the amount directly to your credit card account.
You can choose from the following payment methods:
- Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
- Google Pay
- Apple Pay
There could be various reasons why a credit card payment cannot be processed. For example, general technical issues, incorrect entry of details, card validity issues, etc. We also accept American Express as an alternative payment method.
Free Delivery
All parcels are delivered free of charge with tracking, sent via Royal Mail, DPD or Amazon
30-Day Returns
Not quite right for you? No worries! You can always return or exchange your item.
Secure Payment
At Prime London you can safely pay for your order with any of your credit cards